Cupboard love

By Jamie Lutton

I took some time this morning before I opened to go look for that crow's nest I recalled. I saw it being built a few weeks ago.  I caught sight of a crow with a bit of twig in it's mouth, flying overhead, and I tracked it down to this tree. The crow had hid her nest very carefully; it is quite hard to see from the ground. This morning, I went to look for it, it took two tries to find it, as it blends in perfectly with the branches. I saw no activity, but I figured that they were being quiet, as I am sure they knew I was below. Perhaps the eggs had not hatched yet, either.

There were several crows in the vicinity of the nest. They were carefully not paying attention to the nest, but they were doing crow wrestling.  That is when one crow dives into another crow in flight, to knock the other crow about. I see the crows doing this when I throw out the treats one at  a time. I think it is a form of dominance, to show that the crow starting the contact wants the other crow to back off. I, perhaps, should not throw the treats out one at a time, as this does make them anxious. But it does keep them around me a bit longer, so that I can look at them.  

I left and was walking down Broadway. Suddenly, at my feet, I heard 'Aw, Aw, Aw'. There was a big, shiny fat crow, cawing very loudly. I got down on my knees, as if he was a dog or child, and said 'well, hello there', and gave him two dog treats (now, I don't give dog treats to the kids).  He got within six inches or so of me; picked the treats up, and dropped them, hopping about. Two people walked up,and he hopped away. Then, as I stayed kneeling there, he came back, picked up the treats, and then flew off.

He got very close to me, closer than any other crow. I do think this is the same crow as the other day, who perched next to me, to keep me company on the steps.

I think I've got myself a new friend. Though, as my mother said to me, when a dog would huddle close to get a snack, it is just 'Cupboard love'.  
